
Things I like doing outside of work


I have a wife and kids, who are awesome.


I’ve been playing music my whole life.

Early adventures:

  • 5 years of piano,
  • 2 years of flute (AMEB grades)

But then I really found the instruments that I loved:

Guitar and Bass

  • 20+ years playing guitar, trained in Jazz
  • 25+ years playing bass guitar

and just to change it up:

In the last two years I’ve taken up cello, and I’ve achieved

  • AMEB Grade 3 (Honours)
  • AMEB Grade 4 (Honours)


I’m a keen, if not very good, road cyclist. I’m in it to keep fit, and of course, the cafe stops & social chit chat. I get in around 50km/week (not huge, but better than nothing!)

live audio engineering

Further to my love of music, I’m also pretty good at live audio engineering, live mixing and production, running large boards and making bands sound as great as they can be.

I’ve worked with a few local bands touring NSW.